Innovation is our focus.
Strategic divisions
Unity is strength,
divide and innovate
Since the birth of our company, innovation has been at the core of every project we have developed. At Myruns, we work with technologies that require this mindset, as the markets that use them are constantly discovering new use cases.
That is why we like to look for different approaches, to understand the present in order to know what will come in the future. This philosophy has led us, in parallel to the development of our product, to open a second strategic line, in which we carry out various R+D+i projects.
Product development
Our parent company’s main activity is the development of components, reading systems and RFID tags. Offering the highest quality and performance in the product, are the objective of all the manufacturing that we carry out.

At Evolgene, we investigate the potential sustainable application of certain materials. The activity of this strategic division is based on testing these materials and, at the same time, evaluating their exploitation in specific industrial processes.
Discover Bioinktag, an idea come true at Myruns
Myruns and Evolgene have created a product that aims to revolutionize the RFID tag market. Discover Bioinktag.